Year End Message

joyeux noel


Love and Connection for My Integrative Coaching Community


091213_103 240x200   As the year end approaches, I wanted to reach out with a message of connection and invitation to those who I’ve known and spent so much time with over the years.  Recently I’ve been looking back and recalling all that I’ve been through with members of this community. Do you remember how you felt when you were in your coaching training and we were able to connect so deeply together?  Those were exciting days; they were sometimes surprising, sometimes challenging but always brought movement and growth.

I know that individually and collectively we’ve been through a lot this past year.  For all of us, Debbie’s passing was an event that shook and moved us deeply.  We miss her presence and wisdom.  The world now seems a different place, a little strange and somewhat emptier without her.  Yet we are her legacy and movement and growth are always available. Most every one of us also faced individual challenges of some sort this past year.  For some of us those challenges may be on-going. Chemotherapy Drugs - Bio hazard and Cytotoxic

For me a big challenge was and continues to be taking rounds of chemotherapy to rid myself of lymphoma.  Blessedly, the results have been really good!  I still have a ways to go with the treatment, but I know the long-term results will be worth it all.  This has definitely been learning and growing experience in so many ways.  And there have already been opportunities to use what I’ve gained in service of others.

So how about you?  How are you doing?  What successes, challenges or growth opportunities has 2013 brought for you? These days I often hear from coaches that things haven’t quite gone as they envisioned since completing their coaching training.  As you look back on 2013 and the last few years are you where you want to be?  Have you yet been able to help transform as many lives as you would like to, or do you want to make a larger contribution?  Are you feeling great about your circumstances, waking up every day feeling excited and enthusiastic, or is your life not quite where you want it to be?If you’re looking for a means to jump start your life and your coaching career in 2014 and beyond, I have something special to share with you.  I’ll let you know more after Christmas Day. 


Holiday Greeting 2013smBut for now, know that I’m thinking about you and caring about you.  Whether you celebrate the Christmas holiday or not, I wish you much love, warmth and blessings. In the meanwhile, please feel free to respond to this message and share a little of what you’ve experienced this year.  It will be great to have a chance to hear from you personally.

Let’s together make 2014 a year of huge success and great contribution! With love, Cliff