The winter solstice is one of the most healing, potent and
powerful days of the year to harvest the gains of 2017 and
prepare for the new year ahead…
powerful days of the year to harvest the gains of 2017 and
prepare for the new year ahead…

Join in a celebration of the Feminine in a
Women’s Winter Solstice Gathering!
Thursday, December 21, 6:00 – 9:00 PM

Vision Center for Spiritual Living
4780 Mission Gorge Place, Suite H
San Diego, CA 92120
Love offering!

During this special gathering, you’ll be guided through a series of
Feminine Powerpractices for healing, self-love, the release of old patterns
that are no longer serving you, as well as integration of the
gifts and gains of the outgoing year.

Embrace this opportunity to prepare for your year ahead:

- Harvest the learnings of the past year.
- Release what no longer serves you.
- Embrace what you sense is possible.
- Safely share your sensitivities and tenderness.
- Support and be supported by your women’s wisdom tribe.
- Step forward into your greatness like never before!
- Prepare to shine.

Loree Oberle-Edwards
Loree has been inspiring, coaching, teaching and training others in healing, meditation and other transformational techniques for over 25 years.
She is a Healing Touch Practitioner/Instructor who is also a Certified Master Integrative Life Coach, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, Mind Body Educator and a Licensed Minister. She is soon to be certified as a Feminine Power Coach/Facilitator/Leader with Feminine Power, founded by Claire Zammit, PhD.